Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lyrical Love

 I Will Follow You Into the Dark

Imagining the future together
                  - Often times couples will sort of plan a future together, imagining how wonderful their lives will be together. They believe that each other is an important part of making this plan work, and while they may factor in real issues, often they fantasize unlikely or incredibly picturesque scenarios that are unlikely to occur. Other times, they are a bit more realistic about it. This particular man is a bit morbid.

            - Holding hands is a sign of reassurance and being connected. You often will see someone holding another persons hand when they are going into surgery, or if a loved one of theirs has just died. This sort of interaction is not strictly romantic but does show a relationship between two people. Often one person is guiding the other, or is simply there to support them.

Till death do us part?
                  - “Till death do us part” is something often said at weddings in the couple’s vows. It is meant to show faithfulness, to represent the only thing which will tear them apart, and it is the one experience which each human must face alone. What’s interesting about this song is that the author actually doesn’t want to part after death, he wants to continue being with her even then.

                  - Some couples may say that they’re “obsessed” with each other, but the word obsession in relationships should really be reserved for stalkers. One should not wish to die simply because their lover has— there are too many other wonderful things in life to see and do to simply throw it all away for one person.

No fear
                  - Though the nun in the song says that “fear is the heart of love”, the singer of the song clearly protests. John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint. Indeed, he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love." In a healthy relationship fear is not anything that should be caused by either person to be felt by their loved one.

Shared experiences
                  - When one decides to get married, or even just start a relationship with someone, they are asking this person to share their life experiences with them. While words and conversations may begin a relationship, little brings people closer than participating in an important event or experiencing something life-altering together. Many times celebrity musicians or actors will have mostly famous friends or spouses because they feel as though only they can understand them, as they have gone through similar things in their lives that perhaps no one outside of their professions would understand.

                  - If you say you’re “close” to someone you either mean in proximity or emotionally. Many times, couples are both. They will sit next to each other, kiss, hold hands, etc. etc. but they will also be close to each other in that they know one another well, and understand their significant other.

                  - The idea of being alone “together” is one that has fueled many young romances. The feeling  seems to be that no one else quite “gets it”, that you’re all alone in this, except for that one person who can stand beside you. This sort of relationship gives you tunnel vision, to where it seems like it’s you and that person against the world.

Following someone to the grave
            - To say that you will meet someone in the afterlife can mean a couple things. It can mean that you hope to see them in Heaven or whatever other place you may go, when it is your time to leave this earth of old age or sickness. But, it can also mean a willingness to commit suicide to “be” with them. Much like in Romeo and Juliet, I think it should be made clear that suicide is not a romantic notion, but a terrible and regrettable decision made when one is extremely upset.

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